Thursday, August 28, 2014

1000 Things

1. Parrot drinking lemonade
2. Dog (bulldog?) with a tutu
3. Owl with nerd glasses
4. VW bug
5. Rabbit in a hat
6. Elephant on a unicycle with a ball balanced on its trunk
7. Crayons
8. Kangaroo and a jumprope
9. Frog on a sailboat
10. Bunny parachuting
11. Goat eating a sock
12. Tractor/hayride
13. Cat wearing a bow-tie
14. Donut and coffee
15. Hedgehog wearing a top hat
16. Jellyfish with a crown
17. Robot
18. Tree with a tire swing
19. Tornado
20. Bowling ball and pins
21. Camel with sunglasses
22. Ferris wheel
23. Salt and pepper shaker
24. A bike with flowers in a basket
25. A shark with braces
26. Sun wearing sunglasses
27. Watering can and a flower
28. Pineapple.....

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